Our non-profit organization Petrolettes CIRCLE, dedicated to empowering womxn and advocating for human rights, we believe that it is our calling to take action and make a positive impact on the lives of those who need our help.
We recognize the critical need to support and defend the rights of womxn, who continue to face discrimination, violence, and unequal access to resources around the world.


That is why we are launched a fundraiser RIDE WITH PURPOSE to support our efforts to advance womxn’s rights and help each other.

By donating to our cause, you will help us provide critical resources and support to womxn and girls in need, including access to education, healthcare, and legal assistance. You will also be contributing to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of womxn and girls globally.


Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for womxn and girls around the world. Thank you for your support.


MOTO-SISTERS' platform

We are a non-profit organization, pouring our heart and soul into the MOTO-SISTERS’ online platform for female+ riders worldwide.

If you like our work, please consider supporting us with a donation so we can continue.



Let us introduce you to HAWAR.help – they’re all about creating a world where everyone, regardless of their background, beliefs, or lifestyle, can flourish in safety and freedom.


HAWAR.help is on a mission to turn this vision into reality. They’re active in various parts of the world, implementing projects and programs that empower people and foster growth.

Their main goal? Empowering womxn, children, and minority groups who face discrimination or persecution. Through education and development projects, HAWAR.help provides them with the tools to shape their own futures.


But they’re not stopping there. HAWAR.help is also dedicated to spreading values like openness, compassion, and reconciliation. They’re running awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to bring communities together and create a more inclusive society.


Whether it’s through education or integration, HAWAR.help is committed to ensuring that everyone has a fair chance at life. Join them on their journey toward a brighter future!

Join our non-profit organization and begin making a meaningful impact. With just a 48€ annual fee and your dedication, together, we can move mountains.